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目前分類:醫藥知識 (1857)

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Pei Chen, Ph.D., Juei-Jueng Lin, M.D., Chin-Song Lu, M.D., Cheung-Ter Ong, M.D., Peiyuan F. Hsieh, M.D., Chih-Chao Yang, M.D., Chih-Ta Tai, M.D., Shey-Lin Wu, M.D., Cheng-Hsien Lu, M.D., Yung-Chu Hsu, M.D., Hsiang-Yu Yu, M.D., Long-Sun Ro, M.D., Chung-Ta Lu, M.D., Chun-Che Chu, M.D., Jing-Jane Tsai, M.D., Yu-Hsiang Su, M.D., Sheng-Hsing Lan, M.D., Sheng-Feng Sung, M.D., Shu-Yi Lin, M.S., Hui-Ping Chuang, B.S., Li-Chen Huang, B.S., Ying-Ju Chen, M.S., Pei-Joung Tsai, M.S., Hung-Ting Liao, M.S., Yu-Hsuan Lin, M.S., Chien-Hsiun Chen, Ph.D., Wen-Hung Chung, M.D., Ph.D., Shuen-Iu Hung, Ph.D., Jer-Yuarn Wu, Ph.D., Chi-Feng Chang, Ph.D., Luke Chen, Ph.D., Yuan-Tsong Chen, M.D., Ph.D., and Chen-Yang Shen, Ph.D. for the Taiwan SJS Consortium


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INTRODUCTION — Radiation exposure in children is a rare occurrence. However, the potential for radiation exposure is significant. Since 1944, there have been more than 400 radiation accidents worldwide with 45 incidents occurring between 1961 and 2008. Since 1961, there has been potential radiation exposure of more than 750,000 individuals and at least 106 deaths [1,2] Most of the exposures (88 percent) occurred in the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986, which also resulted in 28 immediate deaths [3]. More than one-half of the accidents (59 percent) meeting criteria for "serious exposure" as defined by the Radiation Emergency Assistance Center and Training Site (REAC/TS) have occurred in the United States [1,4].

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Treatment of radiation injury in the adult

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Treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder

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首先,你應該要想到,跟水有關的天災,就要小心傳染病,再來就是地震受傷的,需要外傷護理,要是真的不幸有截肢的,還要注意殘肢痛(幻肢痛 phantom pain),

但是其實醫療不只醫病,還要醫心,所以我今天要跟大家介紹:創傷後壓力症候群post traumatic stress disorder

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你也許聽過喜療妥(喜療妥 hirudoid 試用),那是用來治療瘀青的,今天我們要介紹的是喜療復



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In December 2001, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a final Guidance on Potassium Iodide as a Thyroid Blocking Agent in Radiation Emergencies.

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 根據臨床分泌與新陳代謝雜誌Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism在網上公佈的一項研究,一個新的生物標記可能可以早期診斷異位妊娠。

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螢幕快照 2011-02-27 上午10.46.39.png


Information sourced from Journal Watch:

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Mycostatin EVT vag tab_5812.gif 1013020926_d1cff011ff.jpg 



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Haemophilia A and B are X-linked bleeding disorders caused by an inherited deficiency of factor VIII or factor IX, respectively. Of the approximately 1 per 5000–10 000 male births affected by haemophilia, 80% are deficient in factor VIII and 20% are deficient in factor IX. The National Foundation of Haemophilia estimates the worldwide incidence to be near 400 000 people,[1] most of whom do not have ready access to medical care. The clinical phenotype mainly correlates with the level of endogenous factor, with the most severe phenotype presenting with factor levels below 1% of normal. As a disorder of secondary haemostasis, haemophilia is characterized by spontaneous and provoked joint, muscle, gastrointestinal and CNS bleeding, leading to major morbidity and even mortality if left untreated or under-treated. This article aims to review the current treatment options for patients with congenital haemophilia A and B, including clotting factor repletion, inhibitor reduction and adjuvant treatment. Because the treatment of haemophilia is advancing rapidly, the future direction of haemophilia treatment is reviewed.

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