
Summary of Recommendations for Antiemetics in Oncology: Antiemetic Agents

Table 2. Summary of Recommendations for Antiemetics in Oncology: Antiemetic Regimens

Table 3. Summary of Recommendations for Antiemetics in Oncology: Special Emetic Problems

Table 4. Summary of Recommendations for Antiemetics in Oncology: Radiation-Induced Emesis

Table 5. Emetic Risk of Intravenously Administered Antineoplastic Agents

Table 6. Estimation of Emetic Risk for Intravenous Antineoplastic Agents Categorized According to the 2006 and 1999 Emetic Risk Classification Schemes

Table 7. Drug Regimens for the Prevention of Chemotherapy-Induced Emesis by Emetic Risk Category (see Tables 8 and 9 for doses, schedules, and routes of administration)

Table 8. Dose and Schedule of Antiemetics to Prevent Emesis Induced by Antineoplastic Therapy of High Emetic Risk

 Table 9. Dose and Schedule of Antiemetics to Prevent Emesis Induced by Antineoplastic Therapy of Moderate Emetic Risk


 Table 10. Drug Regimens for the Prevention of Emesis Selected by the Emetic Risk Category of the Radiation Administered



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