












Adverse Effects
Use of pralidoxime may be associated with drowsiness, dizziness, disturbances of vision, nausea, tachycardia, headache, hyperventilation, and muscular weakness. Tachycardia, laryngospasm, and muscle rigidity have been attributed to giving pralidoxime intravenously at too rapid a rate. Large doses of pralidoxime may cause transient neuromuscular blockade.



Pralidoxime is not bound to plasma proteins, does not readily pass into the CNS, and is rapidly excreted in the urine, partly unchanged and partly as a metabolite. The elimination half-life is about 1 to 3 hours.


  1. 1. Sidell FR, Groff WA. Intramuscular and intravenous administration of small doses of 2-pyridinium aldoxime methochloride to man. J Pharm Sci 1971; 60: 1224–8. PubMed
  2. 2. Siddell FR, et al. Pralidoxime methanesulfonate: plasma levels and pharmacokinetics after oral administration to man. J Pharm Sci 1972; 61: 1136–40. PubMed
  3. 3. Swartz RD, et al. Effects of heat and exercise on the elimination of pralidoxime in man. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1973; 14: 83–9. PubMed
  4. 4. Schexnayder S, et al. The pharmacokinetics of continuous infusion pralidoxime in children with organophosphate poisoning. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 1998; 36: 549–55. PubMed




在merck index裡面,可以看到有以下幾種鹽基:

iodide 、Chloride、mesylate

我們用的是Chloride 的,所以看一下他的資訊,你可能會問,那要看啥?分子式?分子量?融點?都不是,是要看毒理學報告:

Toxicity data:  LD50 in rats (mg/kg):  96 i.v. (Fleisher); LD50 in rabbits (mg/kg):  95 i.v.; LD50 in mice (mg/kg):  115 i.v., 205 i.p., 4100 orally (Ellin, Wills)

沒有人類資訊,所以找一下 毒理學的書,可以發現以下幾點:

Acute Toxicity:

i.v.—man TDLo: 14 mg/kg (toxic effects: CNS)


i.v.— rat LD50: 96 mg/kg


i.m.—rat LD50: 150 mg/kg


oral—mouse LD50: 4100 mg/kg


i.p.—mouse LD50: 155 mg/kg


i.v.—mouse LD50: 90 mg/kg


i.m.—mouse LD50: 180 mg/kg


i.v.—rabbit LD50: 95 mg/kg


i.m.—guinea pig LD50: 168 mg/kg


Manifestations of Overdosage:

Observed in normal subjects only: dizziness, blurred vision, diplopia, headache, impaired accommodation, nausea, slight tachycardia. In therapy it has been difficult to differentiate side effects due to the drug from those due to the effects of the poison.



  • Vd: distributed throughout extracellular water
  • Protein binding: none


  • Hepatic


  • Renal: rapid, partly as metabolite and partly unchanged

 Elimination Half Life

  • 74 min to 77 min

 Range of Toxicity

 TOXICITY: Range of toxicity not established. It is difficult to differentiate side effects of the drug from effects of the poison or atropine when used therapeutically. A dose of 14 mg/kg IV was reported to cause CNS toxicity.





A)  Parent Compound
a)  1.23 hours (Sidell et al, 1972).
1)  Range, 1.2 to 2.6 hours (Sidell et al, 1972; Sidell et al, 1972b; Sidell et al, 1969a; Vojvodic & Maksimovic, 1972; Sidell & Groff, 1971a).


 Elimination Half-life


A)  Kidney
1)  Renal Clearance (rate)
a)  600 to 700 mL/min (Sidell et al, 1972).
1)  Renal clearance ratio of 4:1, indicating active secretion by renal tubular cells (Sidell et al, 1972). One study suggests pralidoxime is secreted as an organic base, but both alkalinization and acidification of urine reduced excretion of the compound (Swartz & Sidell, 1974).
2)  Renal Excretion (%)
a)  20% to 99% (Sidell et al, 1972; Sidell et al, 1972b; Vojvodic & Maksimovic, 1972).



 接下來,要繼續找AHFS和Drug information handbook


Adverse Effects 

Although pralidoxime is generally well-tolerated, dizziness, blurred vision, diplopia and impaired accommodation, headache, drowsiness, nausea, tachycardia, hyperventilation, maculopapular rash, and muscular weakness have been reported following administration of the drug. However, it is difficult to differentiate the toxic effects produced by atropine or organophosphates from those of pralidoxime, and the condition of patients suffering from organophosphate intoxication will generally mask minor signs and symptoms reported in normal subjects who receive pralidoxime. When atropine and pralidoxime are used concomitantly, signs of atropinism may occur earlier than when atropine is used alone, especially if the total dose of atropine is large and administration of pralidoxime is delayed. Excitement, confusion, manic behavior, and muscle rigidity have been reported following recovery of consciousness, but these symptoms have also occurred in patients who were not treated with pralidoxime.

Rapid IV injection of pralidoxime has produced tachycardia, laryngospasm, muscle rigidity, and transient neuromuscular blockade; therefore, the drug should be administered slowly, preferably by IV infusion. IV administration of pralidoxime reportedly may also cause hypertension which is related to the dose and rate of infusion. Some clinicians recommend that the patient’s blood pressure be monitored during pralidoxime therapy. For adults, IV administration of 5 mg of phentolamine mesylate reportedly quickly reverses pralidoxime-induced hypertension.

IM administration of pralidoxime may produce mild pain at the injection site.




General side effects

Many of the signs and symptoms of organophosphate poisoning are similar to the side effects of pralidoxime. It may be difficult to ascertain which effects are due to the drug and which are toxic symptoms.


Cardiovascular side effects

Cardiovascular side effects have included tachycardia and increased systolic and diastolic blood pressure in normal subjects. Tachycardia has also occurred after excessively rapid infusions. Asystole and cardiac arrest have been reported; however, causality is unclear due to the presence of atropine and an organophosphate insecticide.


Musculoskeletal side effects

Musculoskeletal side effects have included muscle weakness in normal subjects. Laryngospasm and muscle rigidity have occurred after excessively rapid infusions.


Nervous system side effects

Nervous system side effects have included dizziness, headache, and drowsiness in normal subjects.


Respiratory side effects

Respiratory side effects have included hyperventilation in normal subjects.


Ocular side effects

Ocular side effects have included blurry vision, diplopia, and impaired accommodation in normal subjects.


Gastrointestinal side effects

Gastrointestinal side effects have included nausea in normal subjects.


Hepatic side effects

Hepatic side effects in normal subjects have frequently included transient elevations of creatine phosphokinase and occasional increases in AST and ALT, which return to normal within 2 weeks.


Local side effects

Local side effects have included mild to moderate injection side pain within 40 to 60 minutes after intramuscular injection.





Adverse Reactions

Forty to 60 minutes after intramuscular injection, mild to moderate pain may be experienced at the site of injection.

Pralidoxime may cause blurred vision, diplopia and impaired accommodation, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, nausea, tachycardia, increased systolic and diastolic blood pressure, hyperventilation, and muscular weakness when given parenterally to normal volunteers who have not been exposed to anticholinesterase poisons. In patients it is very difficult to differentiate the toxic effects produced by atropine or the organophosphate compounds from those of the drug.

Elevations in SGOT and/or SGPT enzyme levels were observed in 1 of 6 normal volunteers given 1200 mg of Pralidoxime Chloride intramuscularly, and in 4 of 6 volunteers given 1800 mg intramuscularly. Levels returned to normal in about 2 weeks. Transient elevations in creatine phosphokinase were observed in all normal volunteers given the drug. A single intramuscular injection of 330 mg in 1 mL in rabbits caused myonecrosis, inflammation and hemorrhage.

When atropine and pralidoxime are used together, the signs of atropinization may occur earlier than might be expected when atropine is used alone. This is especially true if the total dose of atropine has been large and the administration of pralidoxime has been delayed.Excitement and manic behavior immediately following recovery of consciousness have been reported in several cases. However, similar behavior has occurred in cases of organophosphate poisoning that were not treated with pralidoxime. 


為何不找injection book呢?因為沒有呀!









Aredia用在化療患者身上,是使用6amp加500mL的Normal saline,run 20mL/hr,至少要 infution超過4hr



1.Landauer, W.: Cholinomimetic tetrogens. V. The effect of oximes and related cholinesterase reactivators, Teratology 15:33 (Feb.) 1977.
2.Moller, K. O., Jenson-Holm, J., and Lausen, H. H.: Ugeskr. Laeg.123:501, 1961.
3.Namba, T., Nolte, C.T., Jackrel, Jr., and Grob, D.: Poisoning due to organophosphate insecticides. Acute and chronic manifestations, Amer. J. Med. 50:475 (Apr.) 1971.
4.Arena, J. M.: Poisoning. Toxicology. Symptoms. Treatments, ed. 4, Springfield, Ill., Charles C.Thomas, 1979, p. 133.
5.Brachfeld, J., and Zavon, M. R.: Organic phosphate (Phosdrin®) intoxication. Report of case and the results of treatment with 2-PAM, Arch. Environ. Health 11:859,1965.
6.Hayes, W. J., Jr.: Toxicology of Pesticides, Baltimore, The Williams & Wilkins Company, 1975, p. 416.
7.AMA Department of Drugs: AMA Drug Evaluations, ed. 4, Chicago, American Medical Association, 1980, p. 1455.



2.martindale 35

3.Merck index 13

4.Medical toxicology


6.AHFS 2009

7.Drug information handbook 16th




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