


威脅到生命的心律不整(Class IA)


  1. Moricizine is a phenothiazine derivative which is classified as a Class 1 antiarrhythmic agent. Class 1C antiarrhythmics prolong the PR and QRS intervals without significant prolongation of the JT or QT intervals (Salerno, 1987). The drug has similar activity to other membrane-active antiarrhythmic agents (Tsuji et al, 1983; Arita & Surawicz, 1973).
  2. Like 1B agents, in animal studies, moricizine significantly decreases Vmax of the transmembrane action potential of the Purkinje fibers and reduces the duration of the action potential at 50% and 90% of repolarization, while the resting potential is unchanged (Rosenshtraukh et al, 1987a). The drug also depresses the rapid inward sodium current. Most fast-channel blockers interfere with sodium-calcium exchange, which results in a decrease in contractility (January & Fozzard, 1984). Moricizine was found to be different in that it had a positive direct inotropic action in animal ventricular papillary muscles. This response is probably due to the stimulatory effect of moricizine on the slow-inward current (Urthaler et al, 1986).
  3. Moricizine significantly prolongs conduction within the atrium, atrioventricular node and ventricular myocardium without affecting their refractory periods. These effects are similar in the intact and isolated heart. The drug also does not have a direct effect on sinus node function (Rosenshtraukh et al, 1987a). Moricizine did not produce any untoward hemodynamic effects in patients with life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias (Dorian et al, 1986a).
  4. One clinician reviewed the cellular and clinical electrophysiologic effects of moricizine and concluded it to be a class 1C agent (Vaughan Williams, 1991).



ethmozine200.gif ethmozine300.gif

Recall Info:The manufacturer of moricizine hydrochloride (Ethmozine(R)) has discontinued the 200-, 250- and 300-milligram tablets. The discontinuation is not due to any safety or efficacy concerns but due to diminished market demand .


Ventricular arrhythmia, Life-threatening: 600-900 mg ORALLY daily (divided every 8 hr)
Ventricular arrhythmia, Life-threatening: titration, increase by 150 mg/day increments every 3 days




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