螢幕快照 2012-11-01 上午9.02.13  

Hypothetical common mechanism for intrinsic aging and photoaging.






[WebMD]如何避免日曬傷害?How to Avoid Sun Damage

眼鏡抗UV實驗Repeated cell divisions shorten telomeres. Exposure to ROS during aerobic cellular metabolism may also damage guanine residues in telomeres. During the repair of such damage, the telomere loop would be temporarily disrupted. Both critical telomere shortening and telomere loop disruption would invoke signaling leading to SOS-like responses, proliferative senescence, or apoptosis, all of which interfere with carcinogenesis. Photodamage leads to thymine dimers (UVB) and ROS (both UVA and UVB) that damage genomic DNA and give rise to mutations that may lead to cancer development. However, these lesions also damage telomeres, disrupting the telomere loop. Consequent signaling through the exposed TTAGGG sequence would lead to SOS-like responses, senescence, or apoptosis that would interfere with carcinogenesis. Abbreviation: ROS, reactive oxygen species. 

來源:Photodermatology (Basic and Clinical Dermatology) 1 edition 0849374960



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