Laquinimod is a once-daily novel oral immunomodulatory agent developed as a disease modifying treatment for multiple sclerosis, MS, which Active Biotech has licensed to Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (2004).
Multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, progressive disease affecting the central nervous system. It is described as an autoimmune disease since it belongs to a large group of diseases that cause the body’s immune defense system to attack healthy areas of the body as if they were foreign bodies. MS can cause anything from minor symptoms for lengthy periods to severely incapacitating symptoms within a few years. Initially, MS comes in “flare-ups” with alternating periods of deterioration and stability.
The disease mainly affects young people, and more women than men; the average age of onset of the disease is about 30. The total market for MS pharmaceuticals amounted to USD 5 billion in 2005 (Cowen). Since MS patients must be on medication throughout their lifetime, an oral treatment creates a substantial advantage compared with existing products in the market, all of which must be injected.
Recent research
The Allegro study (assessment of oral laquinimod in preventing progression of multiple sclerosis), which is a global, pivotal, double-blind, Phase III study designed to evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of laquinimod versus placebo in the treatment of RRMS, has been in progress since November 2007. The Allegro study will enroll approximately 1,000 patients and the treatment administered is a 0.6 mg tablet of laquinimod once a day or placebo. The study is scheduled to continue for 24 months with the possibility to extend to 30 months. 終點 安慰劑n = 102 每天 0.6 mg n = 106 與安慰劑相較的 P 值 每天 0.3 mg n = 98 與安慰劑相較的 P 值 平均累積GdE 病灶數量n (SD) 4.2 (9.2) 2.6 (5.3) .0048 3.9 (5.5) .6740
A second pivotal Phase III study, Bravo (benefit-risk assessment of Avonex® and laquinimod), which is a global, multi-center, randomized, placebo-controlled study with parallel groups encompassing approximately 1,200 patients who are to be studied for 24 months, has been initiated. The study will compare the effect of once-daily orally administered laquinimod 0.6 mg with placebo and also provide risk-benefit data in relation to treatment with a product presently established in the market and administered by injection (Avonex®).
Information regarding the Phase III studies is published on and
Teva recently presented results from two preclinical studies for the MS project laquinimod at the conference 60th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) held on April 12-19 in Chicago, in the US. Results from these preclinical studies can help enhance understanding of laquinimod’s positive effects in patients with multiple sclerosis, MS. The complete posters are available for download under the heading "Publications".
1.The Lancet - Vol. 371, Issue 9630, 21 June 2008, Pages 2085-2092
2.The Lancet Neurology - Vol. 7, Issue 8, August 2008, Pages 672-673
3.The Lancet - Vol. 371, Issue 9630, 21 June 2008, Pages 2059-2060
June 25, 2008 — 研發中的復發型多發性硬化症(MS)口服藥物 laquinimod (Teva藥廠)的2b期試驗結果顯示,相較於每天0.3-mg劑量或者安慰劑,較高劑量組(每天0.6 mg)耐受良好,且MRI顯示疾病活性顯著降低;至於每天0.3-mg組則無顯著效果。
研究第一作者、義大利Vita-Salute San Raffaele大學的Giancarlo Comi醫師結論表示,整體來說,此次試驗和之前第2期試驗的效果和安全資料顯示,合併使用口服給藥,讓laquinimod 對於復發型多發性硬化症病患有治療機會,現在以更大範圍的第3期試驗後續評估laquinimod治療的利益與風險 。
研究者指出,迄今,核准的MS治療包括glatiramer acetate (Copaxone,Teva 藥廠)、干擾素-beta (Avonex,Biogen Idec藥廠)、natalizumab (Tysabri,Biogen Idec/Elan藥廠)與mitoxantrone (Novantrone,EMD Serono and OSI藥廠),全部針對此病的發炎觀念,且都是注射劑型,因此,提供口服治療對病患的便利性來說是一大利多。
另一種口服製劑,fingolimod (Novartis Pharma藥廠),目前進行第3期試驗;Comi醫師最近在美國神經醫學會第60屆年會中,發表fingolimod隨機第2期研究的三年延伸結果,當時由Medscape Neurology & Neurosurgery加以報導。
在訪談中,Comi醫師指出,fingolimod 的作用機轉和laquinimod完全不同,Laquinimod是roquinimex (Linomide)的衍生物,roquinimex (Linomide) 在2000年進行了第3期試驗,但是因為心肌梗塞、心包膜炎以及漿膜炎等副作用而終止;作者在未發表的資料中寫道,之後,該藥物進行結構重組,而laquinimod的臨床前與第1期臨床試驗顯示,新藥的好處與安全性增加。
稍早的24週laquinimod試驗顯示,每天0.3-mg耐受良好且減少活性病灶的形成,不過,方案分析時發現結果只在顯著程度的邊緣,而不是在治療意向的基礎(Polman CH 等人,Neurology 2005;64:987-991)。
在這個2b期研究中,研究者比較每天0.6 mg、每天0.3-mg與安慰劑用於306名復發型多發性硬化症病患的結果,病患來自9個國家的51個中心,如果在參加研究之前有過1次以上的復發、且在MRI有至少一個釓加強病灶則可納入研究。
研究開始前4週、研究開始時、以及第12至36週期間每個月進行MRI 掃描與臨床評估,初級結果為第24、28、32和36週時的累積釓加強病灶數量,以治療意向進行初級分析。
GdE= 釓加強
Laquinimod兩種劑量都耐受良好,有些會有暫時性的劑量相關肝臟酵素增加;他們指出,laquinimod有兩個嚴重的相關副作用,0.6-mg劑量組中,一名病患在使用藥物一個月之後出現Budd-Chiari氏症候群 —肝靜脈回流肝臟栓塞。作者指出,該名病患的第五凝血因子基因突變造成異質合子,表示可能會使原本即易產生栓塞的病患增加使用laquinimod的血栓風險。
Comi醫師在Medscape Neurology & Neurosurgery的訪問中指出,稍早的試驗顯示,相較於安慰劑組,0.3-mg組可以降低41%的活性病灶,他們使用三倍的釓劑量,增加了輕微病灶的可見度達60%,也增加了統計強度;在這個研究中,使用加倍劑量的laquinimod,正常顯影劑量即可發現病灶明顯減少。
在一篇評論中,梅約診所神經科的B. Mark Keegan醫師與Brian G. Weinshenker醫師指出,glatiramer acetate的釓加強MRI病灶數量減少約30%,干擾素beta1a的為75%,natalizumab為90%。
他們寫道,相較於laquinimod 和現有的免疫調節藥物,需要齊頭式試驗,以顯示口服劑型或者現有的注射劑型何者為優或者相等(口服給藥可能會是優點之一)。
本研究接受Teva藥廠贊助;Comi醫師報告接受Novartis、Teva Pharmaceutical Industries、Sanofi-Aventis、Merck-Serono、Biogen-Dompe與 Bayer Schering等之諮商費用與發言費用;Keegan醫師報告沒有利益衝突;Weinshenker醫師是fingolimod這個MS口服治療劑的資料安全監測委員會付費會員。
Lancet. 2008;371:2085-2092 摘要。 2059-2060 摘要。