J Am Pharm Assoc. 2008;48(5):610-620. ©2008 American Pharmacists Association
Abstract and Introduction
Objectives: To investigate the effects of continuing pharmacy education (CPE), preceptorship, and the relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting job and career satisfaction.
Design: Cross-sectional study.
Setting: Two grocery store pharmacy chains located in Indiana between May 2002 and February 2004.
Participants: 108 community pharmacists.
Intervention: Self-administered survey.
Main outcome measures: Structural equation modeling was used to determine the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic factors, perceived benefits of CPE, advanced training, and being a preceptor on community pharmacists' job and career satisfaction.
Results: Job satisfaction predicted career satisfaction (regression weight 0.49, P = 0.007). The final model comprised extrinsic factors only (regression coefficient = 0.897, P= 0.013) with reasonable-fit indices (χ2 ratio = 1.38, root mean square error of approximation = 0.07 [90% CI 0.05–0.09], Bentler comparative fit index 0.915). Intrinsic factors were omitted because of insignificant regression weight (B) in the initial model (B = 0.24, P = 0.278). CPE and preceptorship provided significantly positive effects on extrinsic factors, with coefficients of 0.30 (P = 0.029) and 0.27 (P = 0.027), respectively. While perceived value of being a preceptor contributed significantly to extrinsic factors related to job satisfaction, it was associated with a negative impact on career satisfaction (B = −0.41, P = 0.005). Advanced training had a negative impact on career satisfaction (B = −0.21, P = 0.114).
Conclusion: Job and career satisfaction are significantly influenced by extrinsic factors and may increase when pharmacists enroll in CPE programs and/or precept students. Pharmacists may engage in precepting in an attempt to increase job satisfaction. Further research in this area is needed.