螢幕快照 2012-05-28 上午8.24.51


Psoriasis Vulgaris 尋常性牛皮癬

螢幕快照 2012-05-28 上午8.27.33  
斑塊狀牛皮癬(plaque psoriasis),約90%病患者屬於這種類。
Psoriasis vulgaris is the medical name for the most common form of psoriasis ("vulgaris" means common). About 80% of people with psoriasis have this type. It is also called plaque psoriasis because of the characteristic plaques on the skin: well-defined patches of red raised skin that can appear on any area of skin, although the knees, elbows, scalp, trunk, and nails are the most common locations. The flaky silvery white buildup on top of the plaques is called scale; it is composed of dead skin cells. This scale comes loose and sheds constantly from the plaques.

Guttate Psoriasis 點滴狀牛皮癬

螢幕快照 2012-05-28 上午8.28.31  


發生在七至十多歲孩童,發病前曾有鏈球菌或病毒性上呼吸道感染。為急性對稱性 點滴狀小丘疹,以軀幹、四肢為主,隨時間而擴大。於數週內會自行消退 

Guttate psoriasis is a type of psoriasis that looks like small, salmon-pink drops on the skin. The word guttate is derived from the Latin word gutta, meaning drop. Usually there is a fine scale on the droplike lesion that is much finer than the scales in plaque psoriasis, the most common type of psoriasis. The trigger to the disease is often a preceding streptococcal (bacterial) infection. The eruption of the lesions on the skin usually happens about two to three weeks after the person has strep throat. The outbreak can go away and not reoccur.


Inverse Psoriasis 反轉型牛皮癬

螢幕快照 2012-05-28 上午8.31.42  

亦稱屈曲性乾癬(flexural psoriasis), 少見,以老年人為主。好發在腋下、腹股溝、臀溝、耳後、女性乳房下方及男性生殖 器等皺褶處。呈表面平滑深紅色光亮之浸濕 斑塊,看似念珠菌感染 

Inverse psoriasis consists of bright red, smooth (not scaly) patches found in the folds of the skin. The most common areas are under the breasts, in the armpits, near the genitals, under the buttocks, or in abdominal folds. These irritated and inflamed areas are aggravated by the sweat and skin rubbing together in the folds. Yeast overgrowth, common in skin folds, may trigger the skin lesions of psoriasis.

Pustular Psoriasis 膿胞性牛皮癬

螢幕快照 2012-05-28 上午8.33.32  

Pustular psoriasis is an uncommon form of psoriasis. People with pustular psoriasis have clearly defined, raised bumps on the skin that are filled with pus (pustules). The skin under and around these bumps is reddish. Pustular psoriasis may cause large portions of your skin to redden. The skin changes that occur before, during, or after an episode of pustular psoriasis can be similar to those of regular psoriasis.



手掌或腳底之掌蹠膿皰症。手指中段 及腳底前端先出現有許多無菌、不易破的小膿皰,附著厚厚痂皮。常見於中年女性。另,罕見的Hallopeau氏肢皮炎,是 緩慢侵犯手指、指甲的乾癬。 


為急性或亞急性,患者一兩天內會 發燒、疼痛感,全身遍佈無菌、易破小膿皰。雖少見,一旦發生屬嚴重且會致命, 須小心處置或立即住院治療。 


Erythrodermic Psoriasis 紅皮症形牛皮癬

螢幕快照 2012-05-28 上午8.34.23  

 This is the least common type of psoriasis and can be quite serious. A very large area of the body, if not most of the body, is bright red and inflamed. The body can appear to be covered in a peeling red rash. The rash usually itches or burns.

Psoriasis of the Scalp 發生在頭皮的牛皮癬

螢幕快照 2012-05-28 上午8.35.23  

 The scalp may have fine, dry, scaly skin or have heavily crusted plaque areas. The plaque can flake off or peel off in crusted clumps. Sometimes psoriasis of the scalp is confused with seborrheic dermatitis. A key difference is that in seborrheic dermatitis, the scales are greasy looking, not dry.

Psoriatic Arthritis 關節性牛皮癬

螢幕快照 2012-05-28 上午8.36.23  
Psoriatic arthritis is a specific condition in which a person has both psoriasis and arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis is an autoimmune disease, meaning that the immune system is misdirected to cause inflammation of one's own tissues. Rarely, a person can have psoriatic arthritis without having skin psoriasis. Moreover, the arthritis can precede the psoriasis by months or years, or present after years of psoriasis.

Can Psoriasis Affect Only My Nails?只有發生在指甲的牛皮癬

螢幕快照 2012-05-28 上午8.37.08  

Yes, psoriasis may involve solely the nails. More commonly, the nail symptoms accompany the skin and arthritis symptoms. Nails affected by psoriasis can have small pinpoint pits or large yellowish separations of the nail plate called "oil spots." Nail psoriasis is typically very difficult to treat, but it can respond to medications taken internally to treat psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis. Treatment options include potent topical steroids applied at the nail-base cuticle, injection of steroids at the nail-base cuticle, and oral or systemic medications as described below for the treatment of psoriasis. 


[NEJM]mechanism of Psoriasis 牛皮癬的機轉

[WebMD]Psoriasis - Treatment Overview 牛皮癬的治療 



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