- With the patient in a relaxed, supine position, scrub and drape the toe in a sterile fashion.
- Administer local anesthetic (5 ml total) in ring-block as described above.
- When anesthesia is achieved (5 to 10 minutes), use a straight hemostat to firmly secure a wide rubber band around the base of the toe to serve as a tourniquet.
oosen and lift the nail from the nail bed by using the flat, pointed blade of a pair of scissors, a single jaw of a straight hemostat, or a narrow periosteal elevator. Introduce and advance the instrument with continued upward pressure against the nail and away from the nail bed to minimize injury and bleeding. It is important to completely free the proximal nail at its base under the edge of the cuticle to allow removal and to expose the germinal tissue of the nail bed. Separate at least 25% of the nail for a partial nail removal or loosen the entire nail for a complete nail removal.
For a partial nail removal, use scissors or a nail splitter to completely split the nail in a longitudinal direction to include the base of the nail that rests beneath the cuticle.
Grasp that portion of the nail to be removed lengthwise with a straight hemostat and remove it, using a steady pulling motion with a simultaneous upward twist of the hand toward the affected side. This twisting action will ensure that the nail will be rolled out from beneath the affected nail margin instead of rolling over it. If the entire nail is to be removed, the nail may be removed in two halves or in its entirety, following a thorough loosening and lifting of the nail. In removing the entire nail, the forceps should produce lifting and distal traction on the nail as it separates from the nail bed.
- 3 ml or 5 ml syringe with long (1 or 1.5 inch) 25- or 27-gauge needle
- Local anesthetic without epinephrine.
- A narrow periosteal elevator (nail elevator)
- Sterile scissors with straight blades or nail splitter
- Rubber band or small Penrose drain
- Two straight hemostats
- Alcohol swabs
- Sterile gauze and tubular gauze dressing
- Topical antibiotic ointment
- If desired, phenol solution (88%) or a radiofrequency electrosurgical unit with a Teflon-insulated matrix tip