Pharmacy Law Book 全文就公布在 Pharmacy Board of California 官方網址, 每年更新, 網址如下:
4111. Restrictions on Prescriber Ownership (a) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (b), (d), or (e), the board shall not issue or renew a license to conduct a pharmacy to any of the following:
(1) A person or persons authorized to prescribe or write a prescription, as specified in Section 4040, in the State of California.
(2) A person or persons with whom a person or persons specified in paragraph (1) shares a community or other financial interest in the permit sought.
(3) Any corporation that is controlled by, or in which 10 percent or more of the stock is owned by a person or persons prohibited from pharmacy ownership by paragraph (1) or (2).
(b) Subdivision (a) shall not preclude the issuance of a permit for an inpatient hospital pharmacy to the owner of the hospital in which it is located.
(c) The board may require any information the board deems is reasonably necessary for the enforcement of this section.
(d) Subdivision (a) shall not preclude the issuance of a new or renewal license for a pharmacy to be owned or owned and operated by a person licensed on or before August 1, 1981, under the Knox-Keene Health Care Service Plan Act of 1975 (Chapter 2.2 (commencing with Section 1340) of Division 2 of the Health and Safety Code) and qualified on or before August 1, 1981, under subsection (d) of Section 1310 of Title XIII of the federal Public Health Service Act, as amended, whose ownership includes persons defined pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) of subdivision (a).
(e) Subdivision (a) shall not preclude the issuance of a new or renewal license for a pharmacy to be owned or owned and operated by a pharmacist authorized to issue a drug order pursuant to Section 4052.1, 4052.2, or 4052.6.
1.開處方人員本人: 醫師; 牙醫; 眼科醫師(optometrist);足科醫師(podiatrist) 或 獸醫(veterinarian)
2. 任何人與上述開處方人員共享社區或財物上利益者
3. 任何公司被上述開處方人員擁有超過百分之10以上股份者。