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2012-03-17 innergie trio duo 連接線介紹 (3294) (0)
2012-03-16 [藥物試用]3M nexcare skin crack care gel 龜裂修護凝膠試用 (3607) (0)
2012-03-15 [WebMD]智慧型手機和其他小配件對視力降低者有幫助 (351) (0)
2012-03-14 [Clinical infectious Disease]How Does Antifungal Pharmacology Differ for Mucormycosis Versus Aspergillosis? (248) (0)
2012-03-13 [WebMD]Sinusitis: Antibiotics or No? (306) (0)
2012-03-12 小心!你購買的產品可能中文標示不實 (7941) (0)
2012-03-11 [WebMD]Rheumatoid Arthritis Linked to Irregular Heartbeat (119) (0)
2012-03-10 [Medscape][Internal Medicine]Statin Therapy and Risk for Diabetes: Deconstructing a Flawed Study (221) (0)
2012-03-09 [WebMD]可樂的焦糖色素致癌? (1390) (0)
2012-03-08 [Medscape]Statins and the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with hepatitis B virus infection. (93) (0)
2012-03-07 [NEJM][REVIEW ARTICLE]A Patient with Asthma Seeks Medical Advice in 1828, 1928, and 2012 (556) (0)
2012-03-06 [WebMD]富含Omega-3飲食有助於預防腦部老化的新證據 (811) (0)
2012-03-05 使用Time machine來回復safari的書籤 (2820) (1)
2012-03-04 [US pharmacist]Hypotension: Postprandial and Orthostatic 低血壓:餐後與姿態性 (580) (0)
2012-03-03 [WebMD]並非每個人都知道保險套的知識 (8572) (1)
2012-03-02 [Medscape][Medscape Alerts][Medscape Medical News]FDA: Avoid Use of Kaletra Oral Solution in Newborns (125) (0)
2012-03-01 iphone出國的設定 (116852) (3)
2012-02-29 [Medscape pharmacist][Medscape Education Clinical Briefs]Regular NSAID Use Linked to Erectile Dysfunction 經常性使用DSAID止痛劑與勃起障礙的關聯 (159) (0)
2012-02-28 [Epocrates][Journal Watch]Testosterone Supplementation in Older Men: Mixed Messages 老男人要補充睪固酮嗎? (105) (0)
2012-02-27 [Medscape][Medscape pharmacist][Medscape Education Clinical Briefs]First-Trimester PPI Use May Not Significantly Increase Risk for Birth Defects (82) (0)
2012-02-26 [WebMD]Chemo May Not Harm Unborn Baby 化療可能不會傷害你的胎兒 (100) (0)
2012-02-25 [Medscape pharmacists]Food Allergy: What You Need to Know 食物過敏,你應該要知道些什麼? (316) (0)
2012-02-24 [Medscape Medical News]Updated USDA Dietary Guidelines Released USDA飲食指引更新 (95) (0)
2012-02-23 [Medscape][Education][Clinical Briefs][pharmacists]DHHS Updates Treatment Guidelines for HIV-Infected Adults, Teens (94) (0)
2012-02-22 [Medscape][FDA Approvals][Medscape Education Clinical Briefs]FDA Approves Drug to Curb Risk for Preterm Birth (72) (0)
2012-02-22 [Medscape Pharmacists][Medscape Nurses]Postoperative Pain Control: More Opioids? 手術後疼痛控制:不停的給鴉片類藥物? (182) (0)
2012-02-21 [Medscape Pharmacists][Journal Watch]Which medications to avoid in people at risk of delirium: a systematic review (105) (0)
2012-02-20 解決在mac上出現的影片字幕亂碼 (89745) (5)
2012-02-19 認識近視雷射:何謂PRK、LASEK、LASIK、Epi-LASIK? (55605) (3)
2012-02-18 pogoplug series 4 開箱試用 (6484) (2)
2012-02-17 OSX mountain Lion preview 蘋果新作業系統 osx mountain Lion 通知 (466) (0)
2012-02-16 [Medscape][Medscape pharmacist][Ask the Experts]Can Levofloxacin Cause Muscle and Joint Pain? levofloxacin(Cravit)會造成肌肉或是關節疼痛嗎? (204) (0)
2012-02-15 [Medscape pharmacist][Medscape Education Clinical Briefs]Guidelines Issued for Management of Opportunistic Infections Among HIV-Exposed Children (85) (0)
2012-02-14 西洋情人節的由來 (5377) (1)
2012-02-13 [Medscape][Medscape pharmacist][Medscape Education Clinical Briefs]Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists Promote Weight Loss (113) (0)
2012-02-12 [Medscape][FDA Approvals][Medical News]FDA Approves Vismodegib for Advanced Basal Cell Carcinoma (214) (0)
2012-02-11 [WebMD]New Weight Loss Strategy: Postponing a Snack 減重新法:延遲你的點心 (152) (0)
2012-02-10 [WebMD]What Is Trisomy 18? 什麼是三染色體(18)症 (5925) (0)
2012-02-09 [Medscape][FDA Approvals][Medscape Medical News]FDA Approves ivacaftor for a Form of Cystic Fibrosis (104) (0)
2012-02-08 Cystic fibrosis 囊狀纖維化 (19788) (0)
2012-02-07 [Medscape][Ask the Experts]Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe? 電子煙就安全嗎? (530) (0)
2012-02-06 [Medscape]Are Pharmacists Ready for Pharmacogenomics? 藥師準備好藥物遺傳學了嗎? (356) (0)
2012-02-05 [Medscape][MEDLINE Abstract]The VITamin D and OmegA-3 TriaL (VITAL): Rationale and design of a large randomized controlled trial of vitamin D and marine omega-3 fatty acid supplements for the primary prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disease. (137) (0)
2012-02-04 How U.S. Lost Out on iPhone Work 美國如何錯失iPhone訂單 (593) (0)
2012-02-03 買iphone需要注意的設定工作 (輸入法與 Apple ID 篇) (33549) (1)
2012-02-02 蘋果更新 AirPort Utility 6.0 for Mac OS X Lion 和 AirPort Base Station and Time Capsule Firmware Update 7.6.1 (1868) (0)
2012-02-01 [WebMD]有關乳癌和HRT之關聯的疑問 (442) (1)
2012-01-31 [WebMD]並非每個人都適合用阿斯匹靈預防心臟病、中風 (1624) (0)
2012-01-30 [NEJM][CLINICAL THERAPEUTICS]Fingolimod for Multiple Sclerosis (651) (0)
2012-01-29 mili power spring 簡單開箱 (1312) (0)


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