所以理論上來說,用這個參考資料來使用現在的Colistin 66.8mg(2MU)是不對的,因為還要經過換算。
- Recommended IV dosage
l USA: 2.5–5 mg/kg/d (31,250–62,500 IU/kg/d) divided into 2–4 equal doses (1 mg = 12,500 IU)
Up to 720 mg/day (9 million IU/day) in 3 divided doses
l UK: 4–6 mg/kg/d (50,000–75,000 IU/kg/d) in 3 divided doses for adults and children (£ 60 kg) and 80-160 mg q8h (>60 kg)
- Dose dependent nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity
l 160 mg q12h (Cr of 1.3-1.5 mg/dL), q24 h (Cr of 1.6-2.5 mg/dL), q36 h (Cr of ³2.6 mg/dL)
l 80 mg (1 million IU) after each HD
- Inhalation dosage (UK)
l 40 mg q12h for £40 kg and 80 mg q12h for >40 kg
l Recurrent infection: 160 mg q8h
l Spontaneous breathing: 80 mg in 4 ml of normal saline and swirled slowly to mix (8 L/min of oxygen flow) via face mask
l Ventilator, jet or ultrasonic nebulizers
- Intrathecal dosage
l 3.2 mg/day to 20 mg/day q12h
l Plus IV 80 mg q8h
- Intraventricular dosage
l 1.6-3.2 mg/day
關鍵字: colistin Colimycin polymyxin Coli 吸入 劑量調整