Summary <> Adding three posterior chest leads to the standard 12-lead ECG identifies more cases of posterior myocardial wall ischemia. "This information may enhance the detection of posterior MI in the emergency department and potentially facilitate early institution of reperfusion therapy."
Basis for Study <> The standard 12-lead ECG "has a low sensitivity for the detection of acute myocardial infarction, especially if the culprit lesion is in the left circumflex artery." This study assessed the benefits of adding three posterior chest leads.
Detailed Summary of Study <> The study comprised 53 patients undergoing coronary interventions. Temporary balloon occlusion was used to produce ischemia of the proximal left circumflex artery, and the resulting changes on the 15-lead vs. 12-lead ECGs were compared.
Results/Body <> "The posterior chest leads showed more ST elevation than the other leads, and more patients had ST elevation in the posterior leads than in any other leads."
Sources & Other Links<> Usefulness of three posterior chest leads for the detection of posterior wall acute myocardial infarction. Aqel RA, Hage FG, Ellipeddi P, Blackmon L, McElderry HT, Kay GN, Plumb V, Iskandrian AE. Am J Cardiol. 2009 Jan 15;103(2):159-64