Tuberculosis Risk with TNF Antagonists
Patients should be screened for latent TB infections before they begin therapy with any of the TNF-antagonist drugs.
Autoimmune diseases increasingly are treated with agents that block tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF) through various mechanisms. One of these agents, infliximab (Remicade), carries a substantial risk for reactivating tuberculosis in people with latent disease. This tendency was not found during clinical trials of a second TNF-blocking agent, etanercept (Enbrel), but FDA researchers received 25 reports of etanercept-associated reactivated TB in the first 40 months after the drug was marketed.
Most patients (age range, 9-84) had taken etanercept for rheumatoid arthritis, and 21 of 25 were taking other immunosuppressants (most commonly, methotrexate, steroids, or both) at the same time. Tuberculosis developed at a median of 11.5 months after etanercept initiation (range, 1-20 months). Most patients had extrapulmonary involvement, including lymphatic, meningeal, and disseminated disease. Two patients died, one from tuberculosis directly.
In a voluntary reporting program for TNF-antagonist-associated TB in California, researchers received reports of 11 TB cases associated with infliximab and of 1 case associated with etanercept during 19 months. All patients except 1 were born outside the U.S. or had other risk factors for TB; only 5 underwent tuberculin testing before beginning TNF-antagonist therapy.
Comment: Voluntary reporting data do not allow precise calculation of the relative risks of TB reactivation with these drugs. Clearly, patients who are considered for either therapy must be screened rigorously for the presence of latent TB; a convincing history of TB exposure could be grounds for prophylaxis, even in the absence of a positive skin test. Some experts suggest postponing TNF-antagonist treatment until TB prophylaxis is complete. The same cautions probably apply to adalimumab (Humira), the newest TNF-blocker on the block.
— Abigail Zuger, MD
Published in Journal Watch General Medicine September 3, 2004
所以病人使用TNF抗體前必須檢查胸部X光,確定沒有肺結核。再做二次PPD Test,如果陽性反應則給予9個月預防治療,投藥二週後即可給TNF抗體。如果陰性即可給予TNF抗體。
其實已經有人針對這一點寫了專文,在The Journal of Rheumatology 2005;32 Suppl 74:35-39
標題為Why Does Tumor Necrosis Factor Targeted Therapy Reactivate Tuberculosis,有興趣可以參考看看。