New research shows that drinking more than six 8-ounce cups of coffee does not increase your risk of developing colon cancer. 研究顯示,大量的咖啡和汽水不會增加結腸癌風險。 May 6, 2010 -- Java junkies, rejoice: New research shows that drinking more than six 8-ounce cups of coffee per day does not increase your risk of developing colon cancer . What’s more, drinking more than 18 ounces of sugary soda each day also does not appear to increase the risk of colon cancer , according to the new study that appears online in Journal of the National Cancer Institute. “Coffee drinkers should be reassured that there is no increased risk of colon cancer and there is no reason to change their consumption,” says study researcher Xuehong Zhang, MD, ScD, an epidemiologist at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston. While sugary soft drink connoisseurs may not raise their risk of colon cancer, these “sweetened soft drinks are associated with weight gain , obesity , and type 2 diabetes for certain,” he tells WebMD. “Limiting your intake is recommended because of the risk of other health issues.” Coffee, Soda, Tea and Cancer Until now, the literature on how coffee and tea affect cancer risk has been mixed. Some studies have shown that drinking coffee and tea may lower the risk of cancer, but other studies have found that these beverages may increase the risk. For example, tea contains both cancer-fighting antioxidants and potentially cancer-promoting polyamines. In the new study, researchers analyzed data from 13 studies totaling more than 731,441 participants. Of these, 5,604 developed colon cancer. Only 2% of the study population actually drank such high amounts of tea and soft drinks per day, which may have skewed the findings, the researchers point out. The new study also had some other limitations; namely, that all of the populations studied were European, and the findings -- or the drinking habits -- may not apply to other populations. They researchers did not measure the health effects of adding milk or sugar to the coffee or tea, diet soda, or different types of tea, all of which could play a role in colon cancer risk. Soda Health Risks Questioned In an accompanying editorial, Cynthia Thomson, PhD, and Maria Elena Martinez, PhD, of the Arizona Cancer Center in Tucson, write that? “these results are particularly important given the substantial increase in sweetened beverage consumption that has occurred over the past 50 years worldwide.” Still, they write, more study is needed to help elucidate the link between sugary sodas and cancer risk. “Contrary to coffee and tea consumption, intake of sweetened beverages begins in childhood in many countries,” they write. "Furthermore, sweetened beverage consumption is generally much lower among older adults. These differences in exposure suggest that intake of sweetened beverages may need to be assessed earlier in life to adequately assess its association with health outcomes.”
WebMD Health News
by Denise Mann
Reviewed By Laura Martin
Last Modified: 2010/5/7 下午 06:43:32
c 2010 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.
【】May 6, 2010 -- 有咖啡癮的朋友們歡呼吧!最新研究顯示,每天喝超過6杯8盎司的咖啡並不會增加罹患結腸癌的風險。
根據國家癌症研究院期刊(Journal of the National Cancer Institute)中的最新研究顯示,更重要的,每天喝超過18盎司的含糖汽水,也不會增加結腸癌的風險。
波士頓的哈佛大學公共衛生學院流行病學專家Xuehong Zhang醫師表示,喝咖啡不會增加罹患結腸癌的風險,這些人應該可以放心,沒有理由改變他們的飲用量。
* 相較於那些喝較少咖啡或沒有喝的人來說,每天喝超過6杯8盎司咖啡的人罹患結腸癌的風險並沒有比較高。
* 每天喝超過18盎司含糖汽水的人,與那些喝較少汽水或沒有喝汽水的人相較之下,結果也是一樣。
* 相較於那些喝較少茶或不喝茶的人來說,每天喝超過4杯8盎司茶的人罹患結腸癌的風險高了28%。
位於土桑市的亞利桑那癌症中心Cynthia Thomson博士與Maria Elena Martinez博士於伴隨這篇研究的一篇評論中指出,這些結果特別重要,因為過去50年來,全球的含糖飲料攝取量顯著增加。