- May 30 Wed 2012 08:25
What Does Psoriasis Look Like? 牛皮癬看起來是怎樣?
- May 29 Tue 2012 06:48
- May 28 Mon 2012 05:11
[WebMD]如何避免日曬傷害?How to Avoid Sun Damage
- May 27 Sun 2012 08:07
Calcium Supplement Linked to Higher Heart Attack Risk 鈣補充劑與心臟疾病的關聯
Calcium supplements can double heart attack risk and should be taken “with caution,” only for medical reasons, European researchers warn. A new study of 24,000 people adds to mounting evidence linking calcium supplements—taken with or without vitamin D—to greater danger of heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular events.
- May 26 Sat 2012 07:56
Classification of Sinonasal Fungal Disease 鼻竇真菌症的分類
- May 25 Fri 2012 05:47
- May 24 Thu 2012 10:47
[Drugs]Octocog Alfa, Antihaemophilic Factor (Recombinant), Plasma/Albumin Free Method (Advate®): A Review of its Use in the Management of Patients with Haemophilia A
Octocog alfa, antihaemophilic factor, plasma/albumin free method (Advate®) is a recombinant, human, full-length coagulation factor VIII that does not contain human- or animal-derived plasma proteins. It is indicated for the control and prevention of bleeding episodes, for perioperative management and for routine prophylaxis in children and adults with haemophilia A. This article reviews the pharmacological properties, therapeutic efficacy and tolerability of Advate® in these patients.
- May 23 Wed 2012 06:04
- May 22 Tue 2012 06:58
[WebMD]對於AMD 高劑量Ranibizumab並未優於標準劑量
根據發表於視力與眼科研究協會2012年會的HARBOR研究結果,對於新發生的年紀相關黃斑部退化(AMD),高劑量ranibizumab (Lucentis)無法比標準劑量ranibizumab提供更好的視力。
- May 20 Sun 2012 06:09
- May 19 Sat 2012 05:07
- May 18 Fri 2012 05:08
[Medscape]Inhibition of cell survival, cell cycle progression, tumor growth and cyclooxygenase-2 activity in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells by camphorataimide B.
Lin WL; Lee YJ; Wang SM; Huang PY; Tseng TH
Department of Pathology, Chung Shan Medical University Hospital, No. 110, Section 1, Chien-Kuo N. Road, Taichung 402, Taiwan.
- May 17 Thu 2012 05:46
[US pharmacist]Management of Crohn’s Disease in Children and Adolescents 兒童及青少年克隆氏症的處置
LaKeisha Williams, MSPH, PharmD Drug Information Specialist Xavier University of Louisiana College of Pharmacy New Orleans, Louisiana
US Pharm. 2012;37(4):HS8-HS10.
- May 15 Tue 2012 04:22
[TED]Myshkin Ingawale 談非侵入式血液測試
- May 14 Mon 2012 05:18
[Science daily][Science News]Sunscreen Ingredient May Be Linked to Endometriosis 防曬成分可能增加女性罹患子宮內膜異位症風險
Scientists are reporting a possible link between the use of sunscreen containing a certain ingredient that mimics the effects of the female sex hormone estrogen and an increased risk of being diagnosed with endometriosis, a painful condition in which uterine tissue grows outside the uterus.
- May 13 Sun 2012 05:17
[Science daily][Science News]Sunscreen Ingredient May Increase Skin Cancer Risk 防曬劑的成分可能會增加皮膚癌的風險
研究顯示,粒子越小的氧化鋅(例如 microfine zinc oxide 或更小的 nano zinc oxide),越有可能被肌膚吸收,間接影響人體細胞,因此也越不安全。氧化鋅在陽光下,會釋出不穩定的游離基,後者和其他分子結合時會損害細胞。而且氧化鋅被陽光照射時間愈長,對人體細胞損害愈大。但研究員指出,上述理論仍屬初步研究階段,要作更多測試驗證。
As vacationers prepare to spend time outdoors this summer, many of them will pack plenty of sunscreen in hopes it will protect their bodies from overexposure, and possibly from skin cancer. But researchers at Missouri University of Science and Technology are discovering that sunscreen may not be so safe after all.
- May 12 Sat 2012 05:48
不應該成為台灣經濟奇蹟 無名英雄身後的假英雄
- May 11 Fri 2012 05:29
- May 09 Wed 2012 06:36
[WebMD]多次舉重 即使量輕也能增強肌肉
- May 08 Tue 2012 05:35
- May 07 Mon 2012 05:33
- May 06 Sun 2012 06:44
[Ask the Pharmacists]What Is a Pharmacist's Liability When Selecting Generic Drugs? 藥師選擇學名藥所需擔負的責任?
What are the liability risks for pharmacists when switching brand-name drugs to generics?