

Turner's Syndrome 特納氏症或是透那氏症,端粒綜合症,也稱為性腺發育不良先天卵巢發育不良,是一種先天性的染色體異常疾病,是由性染色體全部或部分缺失引起的(正常人有46個染色體,其中2個是性染色體)。一般女性有2個X染色體,但Turner綜合征患者的性染色體缺失或有其他異常。在某些情況下,有些細胞中有缺失的染色體,而了一些沒有,這稱為嵌合體(mosaicism)。


在女孩中該疾病的患病率是1/2500。臨床病徵包括身材矮小、手腳淋巴水腫、寬胸闊乳、低髮際、頸蹼。 患病女孩通常出現性腺功能不全(卵巢無功能),從而導致閉經 (沒有月經)和不育。也經常出現隨之而的其他健康問題,包括先天性心臟病、甲狀腺功能低下症、糖尿病、視力問題、聽力問題和許多其他自身免疫性疾病。此外,還觀察到有患者存在視覺空間、數學和記憶方面困難等認知缺陷。


1938 年由 Turner 醫師第一次描述,將身材矮小、幼稚型性徵(第二性徵不明顯)、蹼狀頸與肘外翻的婦女稱之為透納氏症(Turner syndrome)。到 1959 年,Ford 證實,透納氏症的病人缺少一條 X 染色體,因此其細胞核型為(45, X),百分之 99% 的(45, X)胚胎會流產,但若活產就會變成透納氏症。發生率約為每三千個活產女嬰有一個。一般透納氏症的發生為偶發事件,下一胎再發生的風險並不會增加。不過有少數的例外,包括遺傳性 X 染色體結構之變異,或者遺傳性的鑲嵌染色體(mosaicism)者。

 除了典型的(45, X)透納氏症之外,也有所謂的變異型存在。這些變異型是具有性染色體構造異常,或者鑲嵌型的病人。這些變異型包括:

(45, X/ 46, XX)、(45, X/ 47, XXX)、(45, X/ 46, XX/47, XXX)鑲嵌型:這些病人的身高較高,透納氏症外型異常較不明顯,且可能具有生殖能力。

(46, X, i(Xq))、(45, X/ 46, X, i(Xq)):isochromosome Xq 約佔 15%,身材矮、性線發育不良及外型異常比(45, X)為輕,常出現自體免疫疾病。

(46, X, r(X))、(45, X/ 46, X, r(X)):ring X 的患者身材矮小,臨床表徵很輕微,三分之一有月經與第二性徵發育及智能不足。(典型則通常智力正常。)

(46, XXp-)、(45, X/ 46, XXp-):Xp-(proximal to Xp21):性腺發育不良,身材矮小。

(46, XXq-)、(45, X/ 46, XXq-):正常身高或矮小,性腺發育不良。

(45, X/ 46, XY)、(45, X/ 47, XXY):有不同的表型,包括女性、生殖器官混淆、男性皆有,容易罹患生殖母細胞瘤(gonadoblastomas)。在(45, X/ 46, XY)核型的患者,通常外觀表現為健康的男嬰,但不代表日後不會有問題,因此仍必須定期追蹤。

X-autosome translocation:Xq13-q26 為卵巢發育極重要之區域,若斷裂在 Xq13-q22 及 Xq22-q27 將造成性腺發育不良。



(1)    不論年齡,不論有無出現其他的Turner’s綜合徵的表現,只要是身高排在(落在)同年齡的後十分之一或低於同年齡的標準線以下,則可做染色體核型分析檢查看看。

(2)    任何生育年齡婦女,以前沒有做過卵巢切除手術或卵巢電燒手術,如果檢測出腦下垂體促性腺賀爾蒙FSH(濾泡刺激賀爾蒙)偏高,尤其是身高少於155公分的女性則需要做細胞染色體分析檢查。

(3)    生育年齡婦女尤其是年齡小於35歲的婦女,如果以前沒有做過卵巢手術,但是陰道超音波檢查發現卵巢濾泡數偏少,可考慮做細胞染色體核型分析檢查。

(4)    本來應發生在男性的性聯遺傳疾病卻發生在女性,就要考慮這位女生染色體是否為45X,則需要做細胞染色體核型分析檢查來確定。


 在嵌合型(mosaicTurner’s Syndrome(如45X / 46XX)的病人,其症狀比純形(pure 45,X)來得輕。一般說來,這些病人他們的智力、認知力及學習能力和常人無異。

n      這三位嵌合型病患都有不孕的問題。她們的卵巢功能較差,卵巢內的卵子較少,懷孕也比較容易流產。

n      如果病患45X細胞所佔的比例較高,出現Turner’s syndrome的徵候也越多,異常也越嚴重。例如:案例3,其身材也最矮(140公分),卵巢功能也最差。

n      對於純型Turner’s Syndrome45,X)病人宜及早診斷及治療,對於嵌合型Turner’s Syndrome也不例外。例如:身高成長低於正常人,可及早投予Growth Hormone,有時可合併anabolic hormoneoxandrolone),例如案例\ 3的病人。有一文獻報告,在7-13歲平均治療5-7年,平均可增加身高7.2公分。

n      Turner’s Syndrome患者如果到13~15歲還沒有出現第二性徵,可開始投予低劑量的雌激素,此劑量可慢慢增加。

n      這些病人的生育期(reproductive life)較短,對於已婚的患者,應鼓勵她們儘快懷孕並及早作介入性的治療,例如人工授精或試管嬰兒等。如果未婚,但年紀已到適婚年齡,可考慮卵子冷凍。如果真的沒有卵子,又想懷孕的話,可考慮利用他人捐贈卵子受孕。這些病人都會發生早發性停經。



Management of Turner's syndrome: gonadal dysgenesis; growth failure; skeletal dysgenesis


Neonatal period or at diagnosis




Gonadal dysgenesis

Look for mosaicism.

Look for Y-chromosome material if marker chromosome or virilization is present.

Discuss reproductive options when appropriate

Check follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone before initiating hormone-replacement therapy around 12 years of age.

Begin therapy with low doses of estradiol, and gradually increase during the next two to four years.

Continue hormone replacement

Growth failure

Plot growth on growth curve specific for those with Turner's syndrome.

Continue to monitor growth.

Check thyroxine and thyrotropin levels. Check for obesity.

Institute dietary counseling.

Start growth horomone therapy with or without anabolic steroid when growth velocity declines.

Stop growth hormone when bone age exceeds 15 yr or growth velocity drops below 2 cm/yr.

Check thyroxine and thyrotropin levels.

Check thyroid antibodies every 3 to 5 years.

Continue dietary counseling.

Skeletal dysgenesis

Check for dislocated hips.

Watch for scoliosis.

Watch knee for tibial problems.

Watch for scoliosis, lordosis, and kyphosis.

Ensure adequate calcium intake (1.2 g/day).

Encourage weight-bearing exercise.

Check bone mineral density every 3 to 5 years.

Management of Turner's syndrome: craniofacial malformation; abnormal carbohydrate metabolism; cardiovascular abnormalities


Neonatal period or at diagnosis




Craniofacial malformation

Otitis and high arched palate are common.
Review results of newborn hearing screen.

Otitis is common and should be treated aggressively.
Orthodontic work may be necessary.
Speech evaluation and/or therapy may be necessary.

Continue to monitor hearing.

Continue to monitor hearing.
Andiogram every 3 to 5 years.

Abnormal carbohydrate metabolism

Glucose-tolerance test may be abnormal.
Insulin resistance is common.

Glucose-tolerance test may be abnormal.
Insulin resistance is common.
Insulin levels increase with growth hormone therapy.

Annual fasting glucose and lipid profile.
Glucose-tolerance test may be abnormal.
Insulin resistance is common.
Insulin levels decline after growth hormone therapy is stopped.

Management of Turner's syndrome: genitourinary abnormalities; skin problems; central nervous system abnormalities; and other problems


Neonatal period or at diagnosis




Genitourinary abnormalities

Perform renal ultrasonography to rule out structural anomalies.

If present, screen yearly for urinary tract infection.

Continue to monitor for urinary tract infection, if necessary.

Continue to monitor for urinary tract infection, if necessary.

Continue to monitor for urinary tract infection, if necessary.

Perform urinalysis annually.

Skin problems


Remove multiple nevi only if in area where rubbed by clothing.

Warn patients to avoid unnecessary surgery because of keloid formation.

Remove multiple nevi only if in area where rubbed by clothing.

Warn patients to avoid unnecessary surgery because of keloid formation.

Remove multiple nevi only if in area where rubbed by clothing.

Warn patients to avoid unnecessary surgery because of keloid formation.

Central nervous system abnormalities

Refer to developmental intervention program if indicated.

Screen for intellectual functioning, visuospatial organization.

Attention deficit disorder may be more frequent. IQ is generally normal.

Screen for intellectual functioning, visuospatial organization.

Attention deficit disorder may be more frequent. IQ is generally normal.

Screen for intellectual functioning, visuospatial organization.

Attention deficit disorder may be more frequent. IQ is generally normal.

Ophthalmologic abnormalities

Perform ophthalmologic evaluation.

Continue to monitor ophthalmologic examination.

Continue to monitor ophthalmologic examination.

Continue to monitor ophthalmologic examination.

Other problems

Perform stool guaiac test to check for gastrointestinal bleeding.

Monitor for feeding problems.

Perform stool guaiac test to check for gastrointestinal bleeding.

Watch for anorexia nervosa and inflammatory bowel disease.

Watch for anorexia nervosa and inflammatory bowel disease.

Measure LFT, GGT annually.


Ovarian hormone replacement treatment in TS

Age, yr

Age-specific suggestions



Monitor for spontaneous puberty by Tanner staging and FSH level

Low-dose estrogen treatment may not inhibit GH-enhanced growth in stature


If no spontaneous development and FSH elevated, begin low dose E2

Equivalent initial E2 doses: depot (im) E2, 0.2-0.4 mg/month; transdermal E2, 6.25 µg daily*; micronized E2, 0.25 mg daily by mouth


Gradually increase E2 dose over about 2 yr (eg, 14, 25, 37, 50, 75, 100, 200 µg daily via patch) to adult dose

Usual adult daily dose is 100-200 µg transdermal E2, 2-4 mg micronized E2, 20 µg EE2, 1.25-2.5 mg CEE


Begin cyclic progesterone treatment after 2 yr of estrogen or when breakthrough bleeding occurs

Oral micronized progesterone best option at present; usual adult dose is 200 mg/d on d 20-30 of monthly cycle or d 100-120 of 3-month cycle


Continue full doses at least until age 30 because normally estrogen levels are highest between age 15 and 30 yr

Some women may prefer using oral or transdermal contraceptive for HRT; monitor endometrial thickness


The lowest estrogen dose providing full protection vs. osteoporosis is 0.625 CEE or equivalent

Monitor osteoporosis risk factors, diet, exercise; obtain BMD and begin regular screening mammography by age 45 yr


Decision on estrogen use based on same considerations as for other postmenopausal women

New HRT options are appearing, and these recommendations may need updating in near future

CEE: conjugated equine estrogens; E2: estradiol; EE2: ethinyl estradiol; HRT: hormone replacement treatment.
* The lowest-dose commercially available E2 transdermal patches deliver 14 and 25 µg daily; it is not established whether various means of dose fractionation (eg, administering a quarter patch overnight or daily or administering whole patches for 7-10 d per month) are equivalent.

Reproduced with permission from: Bondy, CA; Turner Syndrome Study Group. Care of girls and women with Turner Syndrome: A guideline of the Turner Syndrome Study Group. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2007; 92:8. Copyright © 2007 The Endocrine Society.



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