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目前分類:醫藥知識 (1863)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2013-10-02 你需要阻絕十大UV光線嗎?(室內防曬的必要性?) (42447) (6)
2013-09-29 [BMJ]Tourette’s syndrome 妥瑞氏症 (1716) (0)
2013-09-27 Lithium Is Associated with Hypercalcemia and Hyperparathyroidism (69) (0)
2013-09-26 大容量的產品真的會比較稀嗎? (624) (0)
2013-09-24 Trypophobia 密集恐懼症 (70709) (3)
2013-09-22 Acetaminophen Use Linked to Potentially Fatal Skin Reactions (Acetaminophen 可能跟某些致命的皮膚反應有關) (375) (0)
2013-09-20 抗組織胺小孩可以塗抹嗎? (21338) (0)
2013-09-19 新 ウナ コーワ クール 「もろこしヘッド」 簡介 <新 una kowa cool 刷頭版> (2071) (1)
2013-09-18 ウナ コーワ α una kowa alpha 簡單解說 (3308) (0)
2013-09-17 新 ウナ コーワ クール una kowa cool 簡單介紹 (11265) (0)
2013-09-16 smile 40 premium 獅美露活視捷 簡單介紹 (28369) (2)
2013-09-12 [期刊轉載]Penicillin for Infective Endocarditis — Dose Frequently! (123) (0)
2013-09-07 Askina 雅膚清創凝膠簡單介紹 (21751) (5)
2013-09-06 沒上妝要卸妝嗎? (22522) (2)
2013-09-02 3M 宜拉膠帶 Elastic adhesive tape 開箱 (20941) (0)
2013-09-01 Nasaleze 諾舒宜 噴霧實驗 (1815) (0)
2013-08-31 單純皰疹與帶狀皰疹的差別?How is Herpes Zoster different from the Herpes Simplex Virus? (19841) (1)
2013-08-29 [期刊轉載]Atrial Fibrillation: BMJ 10-Minute Consultation (496) (0)
2013-08-25 [NEJM]Uremia (1269) (0)
2013-08-24 [轉載]過敏性鼻炎 Allergic rhinitis 替代療法之 Nasaleze (20153) (0)
2013-08-21 [NEJM]Vedolizumab as Induction and Maintenance Therapy for Ulcerative Colitis (615) (0)
2013-08-20 [期刊轉載]American Gastroenterological Association medical position statement on constipation. (175) (0)
2013-08-19 [期刊轉載]Which Drugs Are Safe in Patients with Cirrhosis? 哪些藥物對肝硬化的患者是安全的? (231) (0)
2013-08-18 看藍光DVD會傷害眼睛? (7775) (1)
2013-08-15 三秒膠清除劑 試用 (74023) (9)
2013-08-13 雅膚藍色鋁膜ok繃(禾瑞醫療用黏性膠布 horeb horapor medical adhesive tape) 開箱 (2701) (1)
2013-08-12 [期刊轉載]Diagnosis and management of recurrent urinary tract infections in non-pregnant women (224) (0)
2013-08-11 Metformin vs. Glipizide for Patients with Diabetes and Coronary Disease (153) (0)
2013-08-08 [NEJM][Clinical Practice]Mild Asthma (809) (0)
2013-08-06 必達淨 betadine antiseptic solution 優碘溶液簡介 (14501) (2)
2013-08-05 獅之施美露 保視潔眼藥水 smile 40 EX 開箱 (39032) (2)
2013-08-02 [Medscape]Acetaminophen Poses Risk for Rare, but Fatal Skin Reactions (275) (0)
2013-08-01 一個毛囊會長幾根頭髮? (44432) (6)
2013-07-31 HeraDerm 赫麗膚水膠傷口敷料 醫美人工皮試用 (62329) (4)
2013-07-30 獅之施美露 康德目藥 開箱 smile contact pure (31295) (1)
2013-07-29 MAC(Mycobacterium avium complex) 小筆記 (9240) (0)
2013-07-26 認識性功能治療劑 (71214) (3)
2013-07-25 How To Treat a Jellyfish Sting 水母螫傷的治療 (1093) (0)
2013-07-23 Drugs with a Risk of Torsades de Pointes 會引起Torsades de Pointes風險的藥物 (441) (1)
2013-07-22 Drugs with a Possible Risk of Torsades de Pointes 可能引起Torsades de Pointes的藥物 (272) (0)
2013-07-21 Drugs with a Conditional Risk of Torsades de Pointes 有條件引起Torsades de Pointes的藥物 (134) (0)
2013-07-16 簡單認識淚膜(tear film) (15357) (0)
2013-07-15 [AHRQ]Testosterone testing protocol (172) (0)
2013-07-14 [期刊轉載]Updated Guidelines for Management of Ascites 腹水的治療準則更新 (365) (0)
2013-07-12 機車椅墊降溫實驗 (3184) (3)
2013-07-11 簡單認識鈣質的吸收 (83199) (7)
2013-07-10 乳糜鈣溶解實驗 (2878) (0)
2013-07-09 鈣補錠 檸檬酸鈣溶解實驗 (5513) (0)
2013-07-08 好力鈣嚼錠溶解實驗 (2697) (0)
2013-07-07 GNC檸檬酸鈣溶解實驗 (17456) (0)


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