發表時間 |
文章標題 |
人氣 |
2019-05-05 |
(256) |
2019-04-27 |
Hazardous Chemical Emergencies and Poisonings
(151) |
2019-04-24 |
Patient Blood Management
(94) |
2019-04-16 |
Tattoo Complaints and Complications: Diagnosis and Clinical Spectrum
(592) |
2019-04-15 |
Tattoo Pigments Are Observed in the Kupffer Cells of the Liver Indicating Blood-Borne Distribution of Tattoo Ink
(847) |
2019-04-14 |
STUDY: Tattoo Ink Can Migrate Through Lymphatic System, Stain & Inflame Lymph Nodes
(1599) |
2019-04-13 |
Synchrotron-based ν-XRF mapping and μ-FTIR microscopy enable to look into the fate and effects of tattoo pigments in human skin
(49) |
2019-04-10 |
常見解毒劑整理 pharmacology antidote
(2769) |
2019-04-09 |
G6PD 應避免藥物 速查版
(3225) |
2019-04-07 |
(1061) |
2019-04-06 |
Milk consumption and acne in adolescent girls
(42) |
2019-04-05 |
Dietary effect of lactoferrin-enriched fermented milk on skin surface lipid and clinical improvement of acne vulgaris
(95) |
2019-04-03 |
Dexamethasone 用於漱口
(2602) |
2019-04-02 |
Prevention of everolimus-related stomatitis in women with hormone receptor-positive, HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer using dexamethasone mouthwash
(98) |
2019-03-24 |
在準則之外的肥胖治療 Obesity Treatment, Beyond the Guidelines
(177) |
2019-03-22 |
Associations of Dietary Cholesterol or Egg Consumption With Incident Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality
(391) |
2019-03-20 |
從皮脂中發現巴金森氏症的氣味 Discovery of Volatile Biomarkers of Parkinson’s Disease from Sebum
(159) |
2019-03-12 |
(398) |
2019-03-11 |
판콜 내복액 (PANCOLD oral liquid)
(549) |
2019-03-08 |
carnitine TMAO 相關文獻整理
(181) |
2019-03-07 |
Vitamin K2 can suppress the expression of Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) and TLR4, and inhibit calcification of aortic intima in ApoE-/- mice as well as smooth muscle cells
(55) |
2019-03-06 |
Stress-induced obesity and the emotional nervous system
(75) |
2019-03-05 |
A new redox-cofactor vitamin for mammals
(24) |
2019-03-04 |
Identification of lactate dehydrogenase as a mammalian pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)-binding protein
(105) |
2019-03-03 |
Role of PQQ as a mammalian enzyme cofactor
(56) |
2019-03-02 |
A newly designed molecule J2326 for Alzheimer's disease disaggregates amyloid fibrils and induces neurite outgrowth
(15) |
2019-03-01 |
The neurotrophic factor, n-hexacosanol, reduces the neuronal damage induced by the neurotoxin, kainic acid.
(63) |
2019-02-28 |
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) prevents the degeneration of medial septal cholinergic neurons following fimbria transection
(83) |
2019-02-26 |
N-hexacosanol ameliorates streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat nephropathy
(30) |
2019-02-25 |
Statins stimulate atherosclerosis and heart failure: pharmacological mechanisms
(161) |
2019-02-24 |
Effect of vitamin K2 on progression of atherosclerosis and vascular calcification in nondialyzed patients with chronic kidney disease stages 3–5
(56) |
2019-02-23 |
Vitamin K in Chronic Kidney Disease
(89) |
2019-02-22 |
[BMJ] 鈣質補充劑與血管硬化的關係
(186) |
2019-02-21 |
menaquinone-4(MK-4) 與 menaquinone-7(MK-7)
(5252) |
2019-02-20 |
鈣與鎂的攝取比例 Calcium and Magnesium intake ratio
(241) |
2019-02-19 |
Clarinase 杜拜版
(696) |
2019-02-18 |
Vitamin K2-骨質疏鬆症,血管鈣化,骨關節炎,腎結石,癌症和認知中的作用
(11252) |
2019-02-17 |
Gut Microbiota-Dependent Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) Pathway Contributes to Both Development of Renal Insufficiency and Mortality Risk in Chronic Kidney Disease
(114) |
2019-02-16 |
Bilberry vs. Blueberry 山桑子與藍莓
(4406) |
2019-02-15 |
Impaired renal function and dysbiosis of gut microbiota contribute to increased trimethylamine-N-oxide in chronic kidney disease patients
(138) |
2019-02-14 |
原發性肉鹼缺乏症 Primary Carnitine Deficiency Syndrome
(1059) |
2019-02-13 |
Chronic Oral l-Carnitine Supplementation Drives Marked Plasma TMAO Elevations in Patients with Organic Acidemias Despite Dietary Meat Restrictions
(157) |
2019-02-12 |
(7093) |
2019-02-11 |
Inhibition of Choroidal Neovascularization with an Anti-Inflammatory Carotenoid Astaxanthin
(163) |
2019-02-10 |
Astaxanthin, a dietary carotenoid, protects retinal cells against oxidative stress in-vitro and in mice in-vivo
(136) |
2019-02-09 |
Trimethylamine N-Oxide: The Good, the Bad and the Unknown
(168) |
2019-02-08 |
Non-lethal Inhibition of Gut Microbial Trimethylamine Production for the Treatment of Atherosclerosis.
(113) |
2019-02-07 |
Increased urokinase and consumption of α2‐antiplasmin as an explanation for the loss of benefit of tranexamic acid after treatment delay
(311) |
2019-02-06 |
Mitochondrial proteins: from biogenesis to functional networks
(92) |
2019-02-05 |
(1862) |