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目前分類:MedScape (166)

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2019-04-12 FDA 核准 Evenity 治療停經後骨質疏鬆症 FDA OKs Romosozumab (Evenity ) for Postmenopausal Osteoporosis (935) (0)
2019-03-09 FDA Approves atezolizumab for First Immunotherapy for Breast Cancer (463) (0)
2018-05-24 [Medscape][FDA]Stop Using OTC Benzocaine Teething Products, FDA Says 停止使用非處方benzocaine牙科產品 (97) (0)
2016-11-19 [Medscape] Famous People With Schizophrenia 有精神分裂症的名人 (1359) (0)
2016-06-03 [Medscape]如何選擇防蚊產品 How Do You Choose the Right Insect Repellent? (567) (0)
2014-12-30 [Medscape]PD-1 Blockade Arrives in Hematologic Cancer (304) (0)
2014-12-04 [Medscape] AIDS圖像時間表 AIDS Retrospective Slideshow: A Pictorial Timeline of the HIV/AIDS Pandemic (405) (0)
2014-11-16 [Medscape]Combined Hormonal Contraceptives: Prescribing Patterns, Compliance, and Benefits versus Risks (351) (0)
2014-09-14 [Medscape]Mythbusters: Complementary and Alternative Treatments in Cancer 打破迷思:癌症的替代療法與另類療法 (199) (0)
2014-07-06 [Medscape]First-Ever ADA Guidance Specifically for Type 1 Diabetes (82) (0)
2014-06-16 [Medscape]A Visual Guide to Uterine Fibroids 子宮肌瘤的影像簡報 (1771) (0)
2014-06-11 [Medscape]FDA OKs Natesto, First-Ever Nasal Testosterone Treatment (130) (1)
2014-05-27 [Medscape]Populationwide Sodium Guidance 'Makes No Sense' in Most Countries (42) (0)
2014-05-26 [Medscape]New European Hypertension Guidelines Released: Goal Is Less Than 140 mm Hg for All (697) (0)
2014-04-03 [Medscape]FDA OKs Oralair, First US Sublingual Allergy Immunotherapy 第一個舌下過敏免疫治療藥物 (167) (0)
2014-04-02 [Ask the Pharmacists]Can Aspirin Be Used for Migraine Prophylaxis? aspirin可以預防偏頭痛嗎?? (131) (0)
2014-02-02 [Ask the Pharmacists]Can Mirtazapine Improve Cancer Cachexia Symptoms? Mirtazapine可以用來治療癌症惡病質嗎? (132) (0)
2014-01-31 [Medscape]IDSA Recommends Vaccination of Immunocompromised Patients (75) (0)
2014-01-07 [Medscape]Can I Get Patient Information From a Pharmacy in an Emergency? (46) (0)
2013-12-25 [Medscape]ACE + ARB = Adverse Events (366) (0)
2013-11-29 [Medscape]Acetaminophen and Alcohol May Be Nephrotoxic (1409) (0)
2013-10-08 [Medscape]CAM for Arthritis: Is There a Role? 替代療法在關節炎的角色 (222) (2)
2013-10-07 [Medscape]'How Many Pillows Do You Sleep On?' Pharmacists in the Community Can Screen for Early HF Worsening 社區藥師可以早期篩選出心衰竭的惡化嗎? (153) (0)
2013-10-03 [Ask the Pharmacists]Vancomycin and Cefazolin Used Together for Prophylaxis? vancomycin和cefazoline一起作為預防性給藥? (265) (0)
2013-09-21 [Medscape]Will a Spoonful of Cinnamon Help the Diabetes Meds Go Down? 使用肉桂輔助治療糖尿病? (133) (0)
2013-09-15 [Ask the Pharmacists]Can Chemotherapy Patients Be Vaccinated Against Influenza?進行化療的患者可以打流感疫苗嗎? (149) (0)
2013-09-14 [Ask the Pharmacists]Which Vaccines Do College Students Need?大學生該打什麼疫苗? (159) (0)
2013-09-13 [Ask the Pharmacists]Does Warfarin Use Affect Bone Health? wafarin會影響骨頭健康嗎? (125) (0)
2013-09-11 [Ask the Pharmacists]Do Calcium Supplements Increase Cardiovascular Mortality?鈣離子補充劑會增加心血管因素的死亡率嗎? (116) (0)
2013-09-10 [Ask the Pharmacists]Why Should Nitrofurantoin Be Avoided in the Elderly? Nitrofurantoin為何要避免使用在老人身上? (191) (0)
2013-09-08 [Ask the Pharmacists]Should Colorectal Cancer Treatment Include Aspirin? 應該用Aspirin來治療大腸直腸癌嗎? (304) (0)
2013-08-22 [Medscape]8 Ways to Deal With Antibiotic Resistance 8個處理抗生素抗藥性的方法 (314) (0)
2013-07-01 [Medscape][Medical News]New Precautions Recommended for IV Iron Supplements 鐵劑注射劑的新警告 (265) (0)
2013-06-23 [Medscape]Low Vitamin D Exacerbates Inflammatory Bowel Disease (214) (0)
2013-06-19 [Medscape]Alemtuzumab Benefits Hard-to-Treat MS Patients (98) (0)
2013-06-14 [Medscape]Vitamin D Benefit in MS: Molecular, Genetic Evidence (129) (0)
2013-06-05 [Medscape]The Asthma–Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Overlap Syndrome (1360) (0)
2013-05-24 [Medscape][News Alerts]FDA Warns Against Valproate to Prevent Migraine in Pregnancy (69) (0)
2013-05-09 [Medscape][Medical News]FDA Limits Use of Samsca (Tolvaptan) Due to Liver Injury Risk (231) (0)
2013-04-26 [Medscape]Dapsone Resurrected for Chronic Urticaria (194) (0)
2013-04-20 [Medscape][Conference News]ASTERIA II: Omalizumab Calms Itch in Chronic Urticaria (312) (0)
2013-04-14 [Medscape]4 Things Doctors May Actually Like About ICD-10 (99) (0)
2013-04-08 [Medscape][Medical News]MRSA: Tedizolid, a New Antibiotic, Proves Effective (118) (0)
2013-04-07 [Medscape][Ask the Pharmacists]Do Calcium Supplements Increase Cardiovascular Mortality? 鈣質補充劑會增加心血管性致死率嗎? (392) (0)
2013-04-02 [Medscape]Common Dermatologic Diagnoses: 15 Rashes You Need to Know 15種你該知道的皮疹 (10074) (0)
2013-03-27 [Medscape][FDA Approvals]FDA Approves Third Oral Agent for MS (129) (0)
2013-03-12 [Medscape][Medical News]Cinacalcet Trials Halted Due to Pediatric Death (102) (0)
2013-03-10 [Medscape]Reducing Readmissions: Do Pharmacists Help? 減少再入院,藥師能做什麼? (231) (0)
2013-03-06 [Medscape][Medical News]Peginesatide Recalled Due to Fatal Anaphylaxis (97) (0)
2013-02-20 [Medscape][FDA Approvals]FDA Oks Deferasirox for Nontransfusion-Dependent Thalassemia (188) (0)
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